“Experiences of a spiritual healer” – book presentation through the eyes of two new spiritual healers
On Monday 27 January 2014, during the first part of our presentation, the story of the author of the book was unfolded; her personal health problem served as an incentive for her to grow familiar with Omilos and its teaching but most importantly to make the decision to take an active part in the work of spiritual healing.
From that moment on, the story of the spiritual healer Ms Kiki Keramida begins. She dedicated her whole life in serving people through the practice of spiritual healing with sincere interest and without asking anything for herself. Besides, this is exactly what the Master has taught and realised – and this is what all his disciples do to this very day.
Prompted by the book, we talked about what spiritual healing is, what it actually means to be a spiritual healer, and through what positioning the spiritual healer functions in everyday life. We also presented the history of the Spiritual Healing Section of Omilos, that has uncessantly – from its foundation in 1980 to the present day – performed spiritual healing to everyone requesting its help, having performed numerous proven healing cures.
At the end of the presentation there was a discussion on our ontological nature, focusing on the fact that when we express it we are truly well. Finally, we invited everyone to our next meeting.